Mechanism of vibration test systems
For the vibration test systems, the vibration generators correspond to the loud speakers of the audio systems. They have the vibration controllers instead of the sound source to drive the vibration generators. More
What difference do the low-energy ECO shakers make in terms of energy consumption?
ECO shaker offers energy savings up to 80% depending on the load under which the equipment is operated. The smaller the load, the more energy can be saved compared to a conventional dynamic test equipment. More
Emphasised service of the IMV brand service
Are you ready for environmental-friendly technologies? IMV's energy conserving ECO-Shaker technology is also available via the refurbishing / upgrading of existing vibration systems. More
Energy Saving Type Vibration Simulation System – VIDEO
The IMV ECO-shaker technology enables maintaining automatically the possible lowest power consumption and noise pollution - and hence environmental load - of the system, always adjusted to the momentary power requirements. More
The IMV authorized eco-friendly services – Replacement to ECO amplifier
IMV have announced a further expansion of our ECO range of Electro-dynamic test Solutions by offering customers with existing Vibration equipment the opportunity to upgrade their test systems. More